2020 Boston Marathon Children's Hospital Fundraiser
At The Barn At Wight Farm
420 Main Street Sturbridge, MA
Event Details
Table 3 Restaurant Fundraising Night
Who? Anyone
What? Fundraising event with ALL proceeds going directly to Children's Hospital Boston
When? Friday April 10th from 7 PM - 11:00 PM
Why? To help raise awareness and funds for Children's Hospital Boston in honor of local patients
Where? The Barn At Wight Farm
420 Main Street
Sturbridge, MA 01566
***(For GPS use 7 Main Street and parking is located off of Cedar Street across from Cedar Street Restaurant)
Who? Anyone
What? Fundraising event with ALL proceeds going directly to Children's Hospital Boston
When? Friday April 10th from 7 PM - 11:00 PM
Why? To help raise awareness and funds for Children's Hospital Boston in honor of local patients
Where? The Barn At Wight Farm
420 Main Street
Sturbridge, MA 01566
***(For GPS use 7 Main Street and parking is located off of Cedar Street across from Cedar Street Restaurant)
This is a fun night meant to get people out, socialize, catch up, and have a few drinks for a great cause! We are not looking for huge donations but rather to make a difference because every little bit helps!!!
Come join us at Table 3. Enjoy good company, laughs, cocktails, and appetizers. For everyone that came last year it was a great event and we are looking to keep this long-standing tradition and track record going. If you couldn't make it last year, please come this year for a chance to win great prizes, raffles, and silent auctions.
All money raised will go to Children's Hospital Boston:
-$10 suggested donation per person at the door
-Great Raffle Prizes
-Silent Auction